WEDNESDAY AUGUST 12, 2009. York College Library, York,pa I am at 252 west cottage Place , York,Pa 17401. You should use SNAIL mAIL if you want to contact me . as. This can vanish or freeze at any moment. WALT KARWICKI 252 WEST COTTAGE PLACE, YORK,PA 17401...... May be gone. Use snail mail. Copy this site. I dont make it to Bloomington. One reason is that I wonder about leaving my house. would be empty. If they see me leave with a suitcase. They may break in. Im two small blocks to the York College. Its ok that way but it gets worse the other way. Maybe I can put my suitcase in a locker somewhere days ahead. ..... I am also CHEAP! I always had a place to crash in all the other times I went there. One year i even just crashed in the dorm couches and showered in the bathrooms in Briscoe. I also used to have a key for the old OBSERVATORY. I would leave NICKS at 2am and walk to the observatory and sleep in a closet. One time people came in with a class and went past my closet. Hell, I even slept in that big park south of everything. I just see it as more souveniers I could buy and ship East... The motels cost 50, 100, 150 dollars and with just one day I could buy a new fancy winter coat that said INDIANA for $100, Thats equal to sleeo an 8 hour sleep. I'd rather crash in a park or closet. You guys are normail to you but its a big thing to me. I never had a wife and kids I nver had that kind of maturity so I still think in 'crashing". On the other hand I was the sole nurse for my mother for nine years, then had one free yeat and then had to be my fathers nurse for 8 years. Such extremes of being shackeled for 17 years and then be NOTHING I have to do here anymore creates a different way of looking at things. WELL, Im going to leave now. Dont forget the SNAIL MAIL address. Im usually here only once a month. I use snail mail daily. ....